Course Capsule : Cosmopolite A1 (Text book) selected lessons from Dossier 0-4 - Introduce French language: French Alphabet, accents, numbers, days of the week, months of the year, basic classroom expressions, basic greetings, Introduce basic French grammar rules and structures, Presenting one-self and someone else: name, age, nationality, profession, Present the family: members, their passions, professions, dreams, leisure time activities, health problems, Daily routine: time, propose, invite, refuse formal and informal requests for outings.

Course Aim: To introduce basic French grammar structures, vocabulary and expressions to enhance student’s communication skills in A1 level – Basic User (Common European Framework for References [CEFR henceforth] enabling the students to prepare information about one self and enhance ability to gather someone else’s information in French; to talk about and describe family members, about their passions, professions, dreams, leisure time activities, health problems, to express time, daily routine and to arrange outings.

Course ILOs:  

After completing of this course, the students will be able to:

  1. use basic greetings in usual conversations and introduce oneself and present someone else’s basic information in French.
  2. name the countries and cities along with the appropriate prepositions before countries and mode of transportation.
  3. describe family members and express once’s tastes, professions, passion, dreams, activities and health problems.
  4. tell time, express daily routine and prepare and propose outings.
  5. apply basic grammar in writing and in speaking; the definite and indefinite articles, contract articles, basic verb conjugations, simple prepositions, qualifying, demonstrative, possessive, interrogative adjectives.
  6. list vocabulary and expressions related to presenting oneself, countries, lodging, family, time, passions, professions, dreams, leisure time activities, health.
  7. demonstrate speaking and listening competencies in French at level A1 (CEFR Basic User).